We, nail polishes lovers, we well know that there are two stages in our "manicure" which are of the highest importance. We are talking about the application of a base coat, before painting our nails with the nail polish we chose, and the application of a top coat which helps us in making everything stronger and extra-shiny.
My personal choice is using the Chanel's "Beautè des Ongles" products. They don't come cheap, but in my opinion, their cost is totally worth.
La "Protective Base Coat" è ottima perchè, veramente, utilizzandola con continuità, tende a rendere più liscia la superficie dell'unghia e a rinforzarne la struttura, prevenendo sfaldature o rotture. Inoltre aiuta a stendere lo smalto più facilmente, evitando striature, e ne aumenta la durata.
The "Protective Base Coat" is very good because, if you use it continuously, it really tends to make your nails' surface smoother and to strenghten their structure, preventing flakings or breakings. Furthemore it helps you with an easier application of your nail polish, avoiding streaks and improving its lasting.
Il "Extreme Shine Nail Lacqueur" è perfetto per dare una finitura lucida e brillante alle nostre unghie. Aiuta a cancellare i piccoli difettini nella stesura del nostro smalto e a rinforzarlo, facendolo durare fino ad una settimana senza scheggiature. Permette inoltre un'asciugatura un po' più rapida, ma sicuramente non così veloce come altri top coat, come, per esempio, alcuni di Sally Hansen. Effettivamente questo potrebbe essere l'unico piccolo difetto del prodotto.
The "Extreme Shine Nail Lacqueur" is perfect to give a glossy and shiny final look to your nails. It helps cancelling any possible tiny defect in the application of your nail polish and strenghten it, making it last up to one complete week. It also make it dry a little faster, but not as fast as other top coats as some Sally Hansen's ones for example. And actually this could be the only little defect.
The packaging is beautiful and rich, as actually you would expect from Chanel. Both items come in an elegant little box which is black and silver. The base coat comes in a white milky satin little bottle, while the top coats comes in an attractive and mysterious black little bottle. In Italy you can find them only in the most important perfume shops which are official retailers of Chanel brand, while in other luckier Countries, as USA, the online purchase is available from the official website.
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